Here you can download the lectures presented at the 1st REEBAUX workshop (Dalmatia Inland, October 14-15, 2019) in pdf format (click to download):
- Rare earth elements: Mineralogy and geochemistry (N. Tomašić, A. Čobić)
- Triassic-Jurassic tectonostratigraphy of the Dinarides and related areas (H.J. Gawlick)
- Bauxites unconformities and tectonics in general and in the Transdanubian Range in particular (A. Mindszenty)
- General stratigraphy of the bauxite deposits in the Dinarides (I. Vlahović)
- REE in bauxites of Montenegro (S. Radusinović)
- Rare earth minerals in the Transdanubian bauxites of northwest Hungary (CriticEL project, 2012-2014) (V. Madai)
- Application of red mud for the remediation of contaminated soil (V. Zalar Serjun, A. Mladenovič, P. Oprčkal)
- REE in world economy, the relation of REE and Bauxite Residues (BR’s), and a new technical procedure to separate the REE’s (H. Gielisch)
- Methods and approaches in estimation of mineral resources and reasonable cut-off grades in general and focusing on REE in bauxites (F. Lowicki)
- Short overview of the field trip bauxite localities in the Oklaj area (S. Miko)